Afghanistan Bank AuctionAfghanistan Bank Auction

Afghanistan Bank Auction tomorrow, August 16th, the Bank of Afghanistan strategically auctions $14 million to fortify the Afghani’s value. Exclusive invitees, including private banks and exchanges, gear up to secure the full sum by day’s end. Stay tuned as this move cements the Afghani’s strength in the market.

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Elevating Afghani Resilience: Bank of Afghanistan’s $14 Million Auction to Bolster Currency Value

Tomorrow, Thursday, Agust 16th, the Bank of Afghanistan will hold a 14 million US dollar auction.

To sustain the value of the Afghani, they tweeted that it will auction out 14 million US dollars tomorrow, Thursday, Agust 16.

The aforementioned bank has requested all private banks, exchanges, and financial services providers to participate in this procurement.

The Afghanistan Bank states that it does not accept partial payments and requires the winning bidder to finalize the entire account before the day’s end.

In order to keep the Afghani’s value high, the Bank of Afghanistan has auctioned 15, 14, and 12 million bags of Darrow.

By Admin