Afghan Migrants return from turkeyAfghan Migrants return from turkey

53,999 Afghan immigrants entered the country along this province’s Silk Road from the first to the last day of the month of 1402 AD, according to officials of the Islamic Emirate’s Directorate of Immigrant and Returnee Affairs in Nimroz Province.

According to representatives of the Islamic Emirate’s Directorate of Migration in the Nimroz province, the Bakhtar news agency announced on Tuesday, the 5th of Thor, that more than 53,000 migrants had returned in the previous month. These officials claim that in addition to providing cash aid, the immigrants who have returned to the nation have also received food and non-food aid.

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In the meantime, there have been more Afghan immigrants returning recently from Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran.

Additionally, 3.4 million Afghan immigrants stayed in Iran during the Islamic Emirate’s rule over that country, of which roughly two million did so illegally, according to information provided by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

It should be emphasized that during the past two years, illegal immigration of Afghan nationals to Iran and Pakistan has substantially increased, with unemployment and poverty serving as the primary drivers.

By Admin