Following his visit to Helmand, the Islamic Emirate’s Minister of Finance and Administration announced the opening of ten new health centres in this region.

On August 11, new health centres will open in Helmand, according to Maulvi Mohammad Ishaq Sahibzada, the ministry of public health’s finance and administrative assistant.
Pajhwok Afghan News Report

During the inaugural ceremony of this health center, he claimed that he would resolve the health issues of the Helmand population and provide them with high-quality services.

Prior to this, the World Health Organisation provided financial help for the construction of 10 health centres in the province’s Chori, Chinarat, Charchino, and Dehravud districts.

The communications manager for the international assistance agency Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan stated that Afghans require basic medical care and emergency services, and identified the shortage of medical personnel and supplies as one of the factors contributing to the lack of access.

At the same time, people living in rural regions of the nation frequently lament the absence of medical facilities and supplies.

By Admin