Rising suicide rates in AfghanistanRising suicide rates in Afghanistan

A 25-year-old man hung himself, according to the Islamic Emirate of Ghor’s local officials, in this province’s Tiora region.

According to a press statement from the Ghor police chief’s press office, the young guy killed himself on Sunday, January 27, in the Teura district’s “Bagh Nu” hamlet.

According to this news release, his son’s health and neurological system issues were the cause of his suicide. He did not improve despite being transported to Kabul for treatment two months ago, would be the active voice conversion of the given sentence.

There have been no other information provided about the 25-year-old man.

In Faizabad, the capital of Badakhshan, a 25-year-old boy also committed himself as a result of family issues at the same time.

Young people’s suicide rates have climbed dramatically since the Islamic Emirate was founded, and the primary causes are poverty, marital discord, and psychiatric issues.

By Admin