UNICEF for girls education in AfghanistanUNICEF for girls education in Afghanistan

The UNICEF representative in Afghanistan, Fran Akiza, asserted that the majority of Islamic Emirate authorities have nothing to do with girls’ education and that the organisation continues to operate with constraints against women in Afghanistan.

In a recent interview with EFA, Mr. Akizan Rose explained the Islamic Emirate’s authorities’ stance on the education of females and the reasons why some of the Islamic Emirate’s senior governors and ministers oppose the prohibition on girls’ education.

Also read this: https://thedurandtimes.com/news-talibans-restrictions-on-women/

Additionally, UNICEF for girls education in Afghanistan emphasized the value of primary schools, which presently enroll 2.5 million female pupils nationwide.

He claims that the education prohibition has harmed almost a million females and stripped them of their rights.

The official from the UN also revealed to media last Thursday in New York that over 90% of Afghans are on the edge of poverty and that their children suffer greatly.

Also read Khaama Press report: https://www.khaama.com/persian/archives/115822

Additionally, experts anticipate that 840,000 pregnant or nursing women would experience extreme undernourishment, which will affect their ability to provide their children with the greatest start in life.

Although warfare has mostly subsided, Akiza said, daily violations of children’s rights are still occurring as a result of decades of strife.

By Admin